Friday, September 25, 2009

Medical Life..

It's been a long time since I have written any blog... Life is just so hectic, that i didn't notice time passed by around me..

Currently, I'm studying in UNIMAS, for those who doesn't know, UNIMAS means University Malaysia Sarawak... I mean SARAWAK... Aiz... Too many people ask the same question over and over again... "How's your life in Sabah?", "You are studying in? Sabah?". Blah, blah, blah.... Why doesn't everyone know about UNIMAS? Either way, before i went into this university, I have TOTALLY no idea about this University. Back to the day, when the UPU result came out, the first thing i saw is "Doktor Perubatan(HMOO)". Inside of me i just think, YEAh i got medicine!!! But when i saw the "HM", what? Hell Medical? Then i scroll down, UNIMAS....... Holy... But..but.. That is my... Let me think... 6th choise? Oh my god... All of a sudden it seems like my house is going to cave in. I didn't even think i will end up in Sarawak... I flat it, be a damn president, band 5... UM maybe, UKM most probably, UPM big chance, but UNIMAS?? Never thought of... Nevertheless, I still pack up few luggage of mine and headed to the Land of Hornbills. (Thinking: Yeah, can go to the jungle, meet up with a couple of Ibans, cool)

Before i left, not much time to have a gathering with some old friends of mine... Just had a couple of drinks with some friends, then that's it. Bye bye west malaysia, hello east malaysia, come to papa...

The first week during orientation in the main campus cruised by interestingly. Play too much in the orientation performance, got myself selected for performance during Majlis Ikrar Pelajar. The performance ended up quite well, I say better than what i have expected. I show off some chinese martial arts on the stage, and with the cooperation from the whole team, the FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCE got the THIRD prize!!! Haha... Looks like out effort really bears out some fruit. The following week, is our faculty orientation. This time, thanks to the "nomination" and "support" from my friends, I became the MC for buddies night. First time became the MC, and partnered with a half-Canadian, Miss Shahirah, really freaks me out. Luckily, both of us did our job well. Didn't screwed ourselves up there. Then life just fall to a flat line... The following weeks flashed by with lecture notes, books and.............facebook. Haha...

There are few highlights though, the Convocation Dinner and the English Debate.. Thanks to my buddy, Wee Mee, I became the MC again...... This time, CONVO dinner... But this time i felt more relaxed than last time, I don't know why... That night went through with some mistakes, which I would like to forget... Anyway, the most interesting part of this 2 and 1/2 months in FMHS, is the debate... Mr. Tan Shong Sheng, Mr. Aravintham, and Mr Bruce Yeong(me) are facing Ms Shahirah, Ms Rachel and Ms Rebecca... Debating on "Mothers are better than Fathers in disciplining a child"..... It turns out that.... WE win the debate!!! Haha... No offence, but i really think we earned that debate... We were well prepared, with a damn strong rebutter, Mr Aravintham, a mind twister Mr Tan and the factual man, Mr Bruce... Haha... We kicked their butt. That's all. Almost forgot, our strong supporters!!! Thanks man!!

After that, things started to get pressured up... The End Of Block Exam is charging at high speed towards us..... Life just back to lecture notes, lecture notes, books, and.........facebook. I don't quite remember the time spent on studying, it just went by with a flash.. Then the exam is over..... Freedom.... This kind of freedom i have never felt since after PSPM... Haha...

So, in conclusion, life is short. Life my life to the fullest!! =)

1 comment:

DG said...

haha... a good start 2 ur life in unimas ya? besides, i know unimas is in sarawak. XP