Friday, April 25, 2008

JPA Scholarship Interview

Talk about this interview... It was quite an interesting interview. My interview falls on the 4th of April,Friday.That day is also "Cheng Meng" for chinese people. I'm not superstitious, but that day looks really bad...You see, (4/4)+dead people's day... What a combo... Luckily, bad luck didn't befall on me. Most of the things went on smoothly for me... =)

Back to the interview. My interview is scheduled on the first group, which is 8am. I reached the stadium(Interview's venue) at approximately 7.30am. I thought i would be the 1st person to arrive. To my surprise, there were already more than 15 people standing by at the registering post!!! Without wasting my time, i quickly registered myself and waited for my turn.I showed them my original and photocopied of my documents,then i was given a number and told to wait for my turn...

My interview will be conducted in room 3. Before I went to the interview, my friends told me that the interview is cruel. They asked tricky questions like: What is your opinion on the newly form government?/ Can you give your opinion on the Tibet issue?/ etc... So before i came to the interview, I digested a lot of information about this years' General Election and politics. Hell... I really hate politics.Now my friends remind me to pay attention to it. That few days really dry out my life...

Back to my interview, I was grouped with 7 other students. Overall our group has six boys, 2 girls. While I was waiting for our interview, I managed to chat with a few of the students. They are quite friendly. I managed to calm myself down by chatting with them. Trust me, having somebody to talk with before any important events can help us to reduce our tension. Our chat didn't lost long. We were called into the interviewer's room(nervous).

Don't know whether i'm nervous or the air-condition is blowing with all it's might, the room is VERY VERY COLD!! Even my newly found friends shivered when we stepped into the room. We handed up our documents to the interviewer, then we sat down facing the interviewers. Both of the interviewer 'looks' friendly.Luckily only one of them is mean. The other one is indeed very friendly. She give everyone of us an encouraging smile when we got into the room.

Our first task is to introduce ourselves in Bahasa Malaysia. Nobady faced any problems as all of us came prepared. One of the interviewees poured out everything he memorised during the self-intro, like a recorder replay what have already recorded. Then they gave us a statement, and asked us to provide opinions. That was quite an easy question. It sounds : Give opinions on how to overcome the problems of pirated products in our country. Three(actually two) minutes were given for us to prepare, then it was SHOW TIME!!!

During the next 40 minutes, everyone just kept on talking, arguing, explaining,giving examples,blah,blah,blah.............(The interviewers didn't have a chance to talk as everybody just kept on talking).Finally, we were told to stop. Then the interview is over~! Phew.... Everyone gave a sigh of relief n paced out from the room, without forgeting to thank our interviewers.

The warm morning sun welcomed us when we stepped out from the freezing room. We congratulated among ourselves and packed up our things to leave. This was indeed a good experience.Nice people, nice interview, and nice sunshine.....

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