Friday, July 18, 2008

It's Been A Long Time...

It's been a long time since i last written my blog. After the JPA interview, life is sooo boring... Then, it's time to enter Form 6...

Form 6 life, you can say that it's quite fun at the beginning...The orientation week is definitely a week to remember. New faces were introduced into my life, games, and other activities to strenghten the new found friendship... Really an interesting week.

Soon, it's time to face the reallity. Classes were started. At first, I took the classes as the revisions for my previous years educations... Then, things started to get into deep terrain... A lot of new things begining to pour into my brains. Even though those chapters we have studied before, a lot of detailed information were introduced. No more fooling around. So, I have no choise but to have little studies at night. Boredom beginning to envelope my life.

When all seemed to be gray, I found the colours to fill my gray life- the sixth form society. Since the teachers day is just around the corner, I volountereed myself to become one of the OC(organising committees). I was the coordinator of the program,along with several of my friends. Don't underestimate the work load of a co-or. It's hectic man!! A lot of things need to be done. Planning the jobs for other comms, prepare the stages, work out the name it. So, for the 2 weeks, I have no time to waste. Finally, D-Day arrived. We coordinated the flow of the event, trying hard to make it smooth all the way... Anyway, problem still occured. It's quite embarassing that we played the wrong song for the teachers... XD. But in the end, the event rolled to an end. I was quite happy for the things i've done. Our efforts paid off...

All of a sudden, the news came to me...I was enlisted to enter local matriculation. Oh man... I just started to emerse myself into form 6's life, now you want me to leave it... But in order to realise my dream, i took the path and entered matriculation.....

Farewell my sixth form's life, hello the life in matriculation...

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