Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Different Taste Of Environment

I've been here for 2 months.....I remember the first day I entered this place, I was the first guy to check into my room. Of course, I have chosen the best place to sleep. Minutes after I put down my bags, my roomate arrived. He is a plump malay boy, friendly, n quite a nice person. After a few words for introduction, I went back downstairs to collect my remaining belongings. When i reached downstairs, my dad told me that I need to take my photo in a place called dewan Banquet! Definitely, I rushed to that place. Oh man, I need to cross a distance of two football field before I can reach that place! Imagine wearing a pair of sleek,long sleeves plus a necktie, under the midday sunshine!! For sure, I was drenched when I reached that dewan. The following hours passed by under the imense heat of the sun......

The next day, my classes started. Since i'm the 2nd batch students, I already missed one week of the classes. Luckily, those previous classes are quite easy to handle, as those are the revisions, not much new things had been introduced yet. At first, I thought that matriculation is easy to handle. But soon, I realised that my assumptions are wrong! The courses here are conducted on a fast track! We must cover a lot of things in the period of less than one year! Moreover, the co-curriculum activities must be maintained well. I ended up become the president of Kelab Kesihatan 2... For this few weeks, I need to organise a Blood Testing Campaign...In the middle of the mid-samester test!! Man.... This job really taking a toll on me...

What surprise me most is, I'm changing from a playful, happy-go-lucky guy to a NERD!!! Everyday, I need to study from day till night. If I don't, my chance of realising my dream for sure will crumble... So, I pray that I can successfully maintain my grades along with my curricular activities.... A-mi-to-fuo....

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