Monday, August 11, 2008

Recharging For The Future.....

I've been anticipating this for a long time...Holiday!!!!! Wow, finally holiday embraces me. Life in matriculation is not as easy as i've thought before, but it is more boring than i've expected! Everyday, the routine life makes me sick. Morning-wake up and go for lecture. Afternoon-lunch, and continue lecture...Evening-sleep or play basketball...Night-homework+studies..... The routine just repeat itself over and over and over and over and over and over.............. Man... This sucks!

Luckily, there are still some interesting part in matric.The blood test campaign i've been organising before the holiday completed with a quite satisfying result. Quite a lot of work have been done to make that campaign a success. Thanks to everyone who have lend me a hand during this period, especially to the publicity group, which they have done quite a lot to publicise this program.Not to forget to thank the Pathlab workers who have done their job professionally. There is one person that i should say a special 'thank you'-my secretary. Thank you! You have been very helpful all along.I appreciate it.

Now, is the time for me to take a break. Unfortunately, this break i can only take for a short while...2 weeks, not a short period, but it's not long either! Even though there are plenty of time, i must still continue to study. Because after this mid-semester holiday, there only left less than two months time to prepare for the final semester exam!!! There are still a few chapters left for the lecturers to cope up. If I'm not well prepared during this holiday, for sure, i can just throw my final results into the sea and kiss goodbye to get 4-flat.

After spending some time planning my holiday timetable, i realise that keep on studying will definitely put me on a shortcut to Hospital Bahagia. So, i decided to join my former form 6 friend to go for a BUG-CATCHING-VACATION!! Haha... I'll go to Cameron Highlands with them to kick some bugs's butt. Haha..... Besides unwinding my mind, I have another personal mission to do. To catch a really BIG butterfly for her...I hope i can find one...

In a nutshell, i hope that this holiday, i can enjoy while making it usefull. Gob-bless.....

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