Friday, August 22, 2008

The Cameron Highland Trip

I'm on a vacation!!! 2 weeks of holiday, if i stay at home all the time, for sure i'll transform into i piece of rock!! So, a trip to cameron highland is definitely a castaway for the world o' boredom. The first week of holiday is really really really boring. The things i can only do are watching tv, playing Com game, surf the net, study(>.<)..... Aiz... No life at all! Luckily situation started to change to a better lifestyle during the next week.

First of all, is the Cameron Bug-Catching Trip! Wakaka... Actually, I only hitch ride the trip. My former Form 6 classmates want to catch some bugs for their Bio assignment,so they went to Cameron to try their luck. I just went along to enjoy the chilling weather of Cameron Highlands. haha...

But the truth is, the "Bug-Catching" is just a reason for them to run away to enjoy. Throughout the trip, bug-catching activity only stand up to 30% of the agenda. The rest is eat, sleep and for sure- PLAY! We went to a lot of places in Cameron-tea farm, strawberry farm, souvenier shop, blah blah blah... We rent 3 appartments for our stay. At nite, we all have steamboat together! It's really syok especially it's raining outside and the weather is FREAKING cold! I nearly turn into a piece of ice when i was sleeping. I FORGOT TO BRING A BLANKET! I just have a sweater! Anyway, i succesfully endured the freezing weather.

The 2nd day we catch bugs for another 2 hours. Then, we packed up to go on. We went to strawberry farm. I drinked a cup of strawberry milkshake. Really tasty. Definitely a must try drinks! I also bought 2 packets of strawberry. Haha...

Time passed by without us knowing it. Even the day must give way to the night. So, we ended our trip by having lunch together. Then we parted ways as some of them wanted to extend their stay there.....

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