Friday, October 30, 2009

Roller Coaster of Life 2 - At Mind's End

Night, has never seem so silent. Lying down on the bed, The Dark knight felt the emptyness surging around him. Rain, was spilling down from the dark sky, washing away everything around the Dark knight... Leaving behind the emptyness, and loneliness.. Staring away into the darkness, memories started flooding back into his mind. Every scene of life he faced recently, flashed across his eyes...

Slowly, the memories drifted back to the day when The Dark Knight turned his back to the princess... Though the scar is still there, the pain is long gone. Life after the break up is just back to normal. Everyday, both the Dark knight and the princess went to the same institute in search of knowledge. Seeing each other everyday, while knowing that both of us can't be together is a pain that the Dark knight bear everytime he sees her. Either way, life must go on. We can't always live is our own memories, while neglecting what's around us all the time. In the time being, the career is still the main priority. Graduating from the institute is what the Dark knight aim for the moment he entered the institute. And he will allow nothing to step between him and his goal.

But, human is still a human. Feelings is what makes us a human. Those living without any feelings, is better off become a corpse. No life at all. Even though we can't be couples, but the Dark knight hope that friendship can still exist between him and the princess. Sometimes, the Dark knight will find her to have a small chat, just a small chat between two good friends. While the dark knight and the princess are chatting, the Dark knight hoped that time can just pause a little longer, so that he can have a little more time to be with her. But in the heart of Dark knight, he knew that anything more than a friendship will bring him and the princess more harm than good. But soon, the Dark knight realised that even a small chat, can bring them a lot of harm. He was shocked, that someone is willing to do anything to stop him from contact with the princess. The Dark knight just couldn't understand, living in this modern era, what is the harm that two person talking with each other? Why should a life be so restricted? And the main things is, what has the Dark knight done, that made some party so dislike him? These are the questions that pondered the Dark knight until today.

All the time, the Dark knight is thinking what he has done that make "them" so unhappy. I'm not doing any crime, I'm not involving in any harmful activities, I am also a medical student, results is almost the same with the white knight, most important of all, I did not harm the princess. I just couldn't think of what reason that make that party so dislike me. Sometimes alone, I asked that guy above that everybody worshiped :"How am I supposed to do?", "Can somebody just tell me of my wrong doings?". But, no luck so far.

There are somethings I would like to say though. Like it or not, both of us are going to face each other for at least 5 years. You can't aspect we just walk away and think that nothing has happened. Doing things the ruthless way will not solve the problem. Sometimes we should stand in others prospective to look at the problem. Most important of all, the WHOLE thing is NO BIG DEAL. Relationship is just a small part of life. I wish that some party please do not magnify the problems. For now, studies is the most important thing for the Dark knight and the princess. The Dark knight do not hope that unpleasant things to occur, things that everyone will regret once it's done.

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