Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Remembering The Times...

In a blink of an eye, there goes 2009, here comes 2010. And moreover, Chinese New Year already entered the 5th day!!! Such a long time i haven't update my blog, since that incident. Haha.. Either way, I'm a free man now!! That's what matters!!!

I'll first talk about a bit about the things before CNY. Entered a new block, into the Musculoskeletal block, you can say is a great/worse block. Great: ALL aboput anatomy, which i like the most. Worse: Too much to handle!! haha... Either way, i found it relatively easy to remember them. I prefer to study things that i can see with my own eyes. More or less a bit picture memory i think. If u want me to read about things i cant see, or imagine, woo... It's real hard work!! Before i came back to Ipoh, the feelings are indeed unbearable. "When is 12th May going to come..." (The day my flight fly back to penang.). And why the hell that Quiz 2 need to be postponed?! I wanna go shopping after the quiz... Luckily, i still managed to buy a few shirts for CNY.

Finally, the Friday i have been waiting for arrived. Strangely, i just needed 1 hour to pack up my things. And one great thing is, PBL is done on Thursday!! The whole evening i'm free, waiting for my flight. The whole evening is walking like a tortoise.. The flight back is delayed too!! Crap... But, i still managed to fly back.. Wakaka...

The 1st and 2nd day of CNY passed by with the usual routine every year... Eat, visit, talk, play, gamble, and sleep. Most important of all, collect ang pau!! Come to the 3rd day, I came back to ipoh. haha... The first thing i do is gone to Sing K.. Haha... Sang the whole evening, and at night gone to meet a friend of mine. Both of us long time didn't see each other, there's a lot of things to catch up. Haha... She talked most of it after all... XD. We planned to watch movie at first. But the cinema is crowded with people. Both cinema in ipoh all swarmed with people!! So that night we just drink n talk. Dunno what happened to my car, when we wanna go home, my car couldn't start. That scared the crap out of me!! 15 minutes later, with read a few OMITOFUO, my car regain senses. Haha..

For the 4th day, I go out again, with my Sam Tet friends.. For the whole evening, we talked and talked... And drinked a lot of water. haha... Too bad somebody fly aeroplane, din come as said. Either way, I enjoyed the whole evening. At night, I go out again, with 2 friends. Again, we talked the whole night. I wonder why I cant keep my mouth shut.. haha...

For the following days, my days are packed. More gathering, as most of us gone fly next year. JPA scholars gona leave, and all other else got sent to diff uni... I hope this wont be our last time to meet everyone..

That's for now.... I wish everyone have a great holiday!!!

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