Friday, March 26, 2010

Friend - ship

The moment you leave your house, you are on your own. Your families will be hard to support you when u are facing any problem. That's why, in the world, there exist characters known as friends..

Why friendship is called friendship? It's because, a friend is as though a ship, which both of you ride through the sea, no matter facing huge waves, or at the calm sea, both will be supporting each other, and never let each other down. The support from each other is what makes a friendship priceless.

Since the day i was exposed to the outside world, friends have became a very important character in my life. No matter what happen, happy, sad, glorious or even found relationship of your life, friends will be there to share with me. I think, when i entered university, the word 'friends' gave me a whole new perspective on it.

Everyday, while you are at class, with those who are sitting by your side, you laugh with them, chat with them, and even eat with them, the relationship can be divided into several types. We can be friends, colleagues, classmates, or even NOTHING at all. He or she may just be another normal person, those pass-byers.

Maybe i am ignorant, or maybe i'm naive, i think, i can treat anyone as friends, but sadly, not everyone treat you as friends too. Friends are the ones who support, cares, and most important of all, the ones who can be trusted. Trust, is the foundation of a friendship. If one day, when the trust is gone, the friendship will just ended. When a trust is lost, it will be lost forever. Betrayal, is one big thing that should not ever happen between a friendship. There is no big deal of losing a friend, the big deal is you the betrayer lose the purpose of having a friend.

I hereby wish everyone appreciate your friends, as true friends one thing you cant get with money.

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