Monday, May 4, 2009

A Retarded Life VS A Meaningful Life

Is what i craved for before i finish Matric. Everyday, I hope that the time will slip by is a blink of eyes. Too bad, it never happened. Now, finally i got my holiday. Strangely, I felt myself living like a retarded person. The routine of life just goes around wake up, eat, play, watch drama, sleep. Though I go to gym 3 days a week, I still feels like I'm wasting my life for nothing. As though I'm a retarded person, waiting for death angels to take me away...

Finally, i made up my mind. It's time to prove myself to the world, that I'm still alive! I'm still able and not retarded!! So, today I found myself a job. In Bum City, Parade. I've no working experience, so I have no idea what will I face when i go to work... Anyway, life is short!! Experience anything I can and i want! Go go go!!

1 comment:

kelvin said...

yo bro,
have a nice job arh!!!